John (J.D.) Baker: "Wow, Just came back to U of Idaho and there was a Message from Terri about the new webpage and thought I'd drop a Line and say hello. working on my second degree(First was Voice Ed.) in Anthropology possibly to go to grad school for Ethnomusicology. My partner and I have been living together for 5 years now, no plans to get married but it's not like it would be recognized in Idaho anyway. Feel Free to e-mail me." baker961@uidaho.edu
Jonathan Bisesi: SEE special alumni page! Graduating from Conservatory of Music in Cincinnati, OH and will attend Boston Univ to pursue a graduate degree in Percussion Performance on scholarships and as an Assistantship in the School of Fine Arts.
Bonnie Bradford Lewis: thebleuchef@cs.com
Matt Bunn,1/07: I
have been married to my best friend, Vicki, for 7 years now and
we have two boys. I have also been serving as music pastor for
a church in Texas for 7 years. Previous info: Graduated
with a Masters in Music from Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary in Fort Worth, TX with a concentration in conducting.
Jonathan Carpenter, 9/04: "I got married on June 3, 2000 to Kimberly Schmeckenbecher (great German name)! I will be graduating summa cum laude from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, with a Bachelor of Arts in Vocal Music on May 5, 2001. In the fall of 2001, I will begin graduate school in music composition at Baylor University where I have received an assistantship. I will be moving to Waco, Texas, sometime in May, 2001. I miss everyone and hope that all is well! Hey everyone! I've just started working towards my Doctorate in Composition at the University of Colorado. I finished my Masters at Baylor University and then taught there for a semester before moving on.
NEWEST INFO: I have been married for four years now, but still have no kids (although our cat seems to act like one at times). I still love traveling and wish that I could go SOA'ing again sometime as a chaperone. I did take my wife on a short trip through Bavaria a couple of years ago and made a point of stopping in Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It was great to relive that experience! I even stayed in the same hotel. I am glad to see that Dr. Ausmann is still conducting the choir (We were his first, of course). I hope that this finds everyone well and feel free to contact me (where the heck are you, Melissa Fogelsong?!). Oh yeah... one more thing... everyone knows that the WHITE BUS rules all! :)" carpenterhead@yahoo.com
Kelly Carter: Grad'd as previously planned, getting married to R. Brett Williams 7-29-00. Working as Mortgage Administration Analyst for Collateral Mortgage, Ltd; pursuing MA in English with concentration in Rhetoric/Composition. KCarter@collateral.com
Alison Chambers: Hi Guys Well its been a while and I cant believe how time has flown. I graduated from Georgetown University in 2000 and I am working and living in NY. I majored in Marketing and English but remained true to my musical background by being involved with university choral groups and I still sing in church. jamaicanspice@hotmail.com
Terina Clark Wakefield: Living in Montpelier, OH
Liz Combs: Reportedly pursuing her masters in Flute Performance and Music History at OH State Univ.
Tracy Conner: Teaching Voice and Piano lessons all over Long Island and is currently performing in a production of Nunsense. She graduated from the Crane School of Music, May '99 with a degree in Vocal Performance. tlc43rp@aol.com
Rose Connett Dunphey, 12/04: Married to Scott Dunphey 6-24-00. They're living in Monument, CO. She taught choir at Lewis Palmer HS, Monument, CO. Rose has two children and is teaching privately.
Tanya Czarkowski: "Living in Boulder, CO and attending the University of Colorado. I spent several years working in mobile productions and finally decided to pursue a degree in Communication. Following May 2002, I am off to graduate school......but first, I might just have to head back to the SOA kick-off concert. I'd love to hear from anyone - especially those from the good old Red Bus. Best wishes to all." TanyaCzar@home.com
Josh Dickens, 9/07: "Looking for pictures or just to say hello and laugh about old times! Hey guys, I'm looking for any kind of pictures from the trip. If anyone would like to help me out with that they can e-mail them to me or get in touch about working something else out. Red bus rules!" Docdjosh@gmail.com
Felisha Fenn Leavitt: "Hello
everybody! It has been a long time! Many things have changed the
past few years! I am no longer in Az. I live in Port Orange, FL
and just recently gave birth to my third little boy! Triston is
my oldest. He started kindergarten this year. He is almost 6.
Tanner, is almost 3, and Trevor is my newborn. They keep me very
busy. My husband Daniel, works as the staff development specialist
at First Data Corp.
I just wanted to let everyone from the year 1995 that I still think about you all the time! I Miss You All! If you get a chance please E-mail me and let me know what is going on in you life! I keep pretty busy with my boys, But would love to hear from you!" dfleavitt97@earthlink.net
Jodie Fisher Starks, 7/07: "I have now finally graduated from Wright State University with a degree in Music Education. Living with my husband, Charles, and my two children, Ian and Abigail. PREVIOUS: Since I've been on the SOA tour, I went back to college to study music performance. I have yet to finish my degree, but I am now currently a co-assistant band director for Carlisle High School, OH. I also have begun private lessons for piano and clarinet at a music studio in Centerville. nishtha7@yahoo.com
Janet Griner White, 1-06: "Still working as a 6th grade Language Arts teacher in Alma, GA. Our first child, Nathan was born April 4, 2002. On April 29, 2005, I had twins Aiden Thomas and Emma Leigh. I would love to hear from you guys! A decade...can ya'll believe it! Does anyone have information on Gabrielle Allen? I am still singing..weddings and private parties and I also direct the music at my church where my husband plays the piano. I miss you all! Previous: I recently graduated from Georgia Southern University with my Bachelor of Science in Education. I also got married on April 28, 2001 to a wonderful man named Neil White. We sang to each other at the wedding. Keep in touch! Gold bus "AUGHHHHHH" I miss you!" jwhite@bcraiders.com
NanDee Guison Walker, 5-05: "I graduated in 2001 from Central Missouri State with a degree in social work and a minor in music. My husband and I currently live in Atlanta, GA and have a 3 year old named Lena, a one year old named Sam, and are expecting number 3 in September." nandeewalker@comcast.net
Gordon, 2-10: "I currently live just south of Nashville, TN where I spend my time as a singer/songwriter. You can visit my website www.facebook.com/debragordon.music to check out my current music. I also enjoy creating digital marketing tools like fliers and promotional videos with PureJoy Productions. Last year I started the Nashville Music Buzz blog - read it now by going to www.nashvillemusicbuzz.com. I would love to keep in touch with anyone from the summer of 1995. After the SOA choir and before TN, I went to Messiah College and then proceeded to be a teacher in DE for 7 years. Please look me up!" dpurejoy@juno.com
Teri Gutierrez Madewell, 7/08: Married Forrest Madewell
(SOA '95) July 2nd 2000. "New: Now in my 7th year teaching
Earth science and loving every minute of it! I have also started
teaching for the University of Phoenix...who knew? Drop me a line sometime and we can catch up on our amazing
adventure and the lives we've lived since then! We have two children:
Ethan and Tess.
Previous: I finished masters degrees
in Education and in Geoscience from Univ of Nevada. It's amazing
how that trip truly changed the direction of my life!! Anyway,
there you have it." wellmade@sbcglobal.net
Jessica Guzzo, 4/10: "NEW:
I am teaching high school music and theatre at the high school
I graduated from. Our chorus won first prize with a Superior rating
in 2008 at the Muisc in the Parks Festival in Hershey, PA. I have
two students attending SOA '08! Previous: I graduated from The College of Saint Rose
in Albany, NY. For 2 years I was teaching high school music in
Upstate NY, and now teaching in Western MA (still high school
music). I spent a summer at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp in Michigan,
teaching the Chorus elective to the younger campers. It has been
nice to hear from some of you... keep in touch!! " Update - recently married! mzzsop33@gmail.com
Jermaine Hill, 5-03: "Well this is about the best thing I have seen in a long time. I just happened to be procrastinating when I typed in SOA and found this. This is amazing! Reading up on your lives brought me right back to the Blumenbusenheimer! Well, I'm living in Boston getting my masters in vocal performance from New England Conservatory. I'd love to catch up so drop me a line. Take care. I wish you all the best happiness in the world." jermainehill@hotmail.com
Benjamin Hirshfield: "I am working as a web master for an internet company in Manhattan." benhir@yahoo.com
Heather Hokenbrough McElroy, 3-05 "I graduated from Penn State in 2001 with a B.S. in Biology (although I probably spent more time in the music department than I did in the Science department). I got married in June of 2004 to David McElroy. I am getting ready to graduate from medical school at Drexel-MCP Hahnemann in Philadelphia this May 2005. " hrh24@drexel.edu
Alissa Homan: She's currently in her 4th year of Pharmacy School at OH Northern Univ. a-homan@onu.edu
Brandon James: "Graduated from Alderson-Broaddus College in WV with a BA in Political Science. Attended Grad school at WVU but didn't finish. Now I am living in Orlando, FL under a developmental deal for Warner Bros!! I'm moving to LA in one month. Here's hoping the public hearing goes well. If so, I'll be signed to a full deal. I miss and love all you SOA'ers. I hope life is treating you well. Best of luck. Look for me on TV :)" Bjames@7thfloorproductions.com
Dave Jelinek: Reportedly grad'd from Univ of Northern CO 5/00 with a degree in Theatre Costume Design.
Jennifer Johnson: I'm finishing up my degree in Music from Westminster Choir College, and heading back to Northern VA in May/June 2001. I'm starting up a wellness center. I am an Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Reiki Master/ Teacher/ Healer. Check out my website: www.healerjen.com, e-mail: healerjen@yahoo.com
Connie Jones, 10-03: "All 1999 had an Internship at State Dept in DC; spring '99 - did Language study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina, summer 2000 will be State Dept Intern in San Jose, Costa Rica at USA Embassy and will be senior at Dartmouth Cllg 00-01. CURRENT: I am in Costa Rica now. I finished a Masters in Latin American studies in May and then accepted a job with INCAE business school in Alajuela, Costa Rica. I have been here almost three months and the work has been very interesting. I am working specifically for INCAE's research center. My current projects involve launching a section of the center that deals with sustainable markets in late October and writing a paper documenting environmental responsibility in financial institutions. " conniejones01@hotmail.com
Keri Kellner: "I am pursuing certification for deaf interpreting...been moving around a lot...i think i finally found a place to settle down and focus on what i want to do:) i can't wait to get the chance to go back to carlisle for a kick off concert again!" froggzz96@hotmail.com
Jan Ile: Toured as staff from year 2000+ and still living in Newburg - works full time for Sound of America and Educational Travel Experiences. Is now a grandmother of 5 children. janile@pa.net.
Michelle Lackey King, 9/11: "I attended SOA in 1995 as an alto sax player. I am married to Matthew King and we have a daughter, Heather. I am a nurse by trade, but currently running our family business of 31 years. I still live in Pineville, WV." michellelackeyking@yahoo.com
David Mackey: Joined the Phi-Mu-Alpha Sinfonia Music Fraterntity in college, but changed majors to Computer Science. Became Microsoft certified fall of 2000, and am currently doing NT administration as a Military Contractor. davemackey@core.com
Forrest Madewell. 9/11: Married Teri Guterriez (also SOA '95) July
2000 -
I have been teaching high school choir for 5 years in Bakersfield,
CA. I am hoping to someday send some of my own students on the
tour! Teri and I have two children: Ethan and Tess. Life couldn't
be better and we'd love to hear from you! Forrest also has had one of his students travel with SOA! wellmade@sbcglobal.net
Michele Malette, 8/03: "What's up everybody! Wow...it sure has been awhile. I'd like to hear from all of you...especially my red bus friends :) I finally moved out of good ol' New Mexico to sunny Daytona Beach (why? I have no idea) :) Email, call, just keep in touch!" FireDancer413607@aol.com
JoLee Marshall Yeddo, 8-03: Living in Plattsburg, NY and teaching
elementary band. Married 7/5/03 and is now JoLee Yeddo. jjyeddo@westelcom.com
Cedric Mayfield: "I finished up 2 degrees at Southern Methodist University and went on the road with the Broadway Musical The Music Man. It was a very rewarding experience and and great payed vacation from school. Currently, I'm preparing to get into grad school (somewhere) and gigging around Dallas. I miss my SOA '95 fam! I hope things are going better for ya'll than you can handle. Keep in touch" the_brain1@hotmail.com
Candace McClung Lambert, 7/05 "Wow, I can't believe how time has flown! It's hard to imagine that it's been 10 years this month. (July '05) I graduated from Bridgewater College with a degree in Biology and then went on to Medical Technology School in VA. I am now a ASCP certified Medical Technologist and the Education Coordinator for a Med. Tech school here in VA. My husband and I got married last year in Jamaica, and I would love to go touring with the SOA again sometime and maybe take him along since he's never seen the world. I still sing at various events and church, and I have taught song leading for many years for a local 4-H camp. I hope that everyone is doing well, and I would love to hear from other SOA's that I spent a lot of time with, like Kelli (PA) and Jaime (NY). Kerri (from WV) and I are still best friends and I see her all the time. We share SOA memories every once and a while..." cmcclung_1@netzero.com
Tiffany Menard Baker, 9/06: I got married in May 2006 in Nassau, Bahamas and now live in Plymouth, Michigan. I work as Communications Coordinator for the Michigan Surgeon General and can be reached at menardti@yahoo.com. Previous info: After SOA, I left Fort Collins, CO to get my Bachelors Degree in Biology at Dana College in Blair, NE. At Dana, I continued to sing and play violin in the Dana Chorale and a baroque string ensemble. In 1999, I received my Masters Degree in Health Communication at Michigan State University. While at MSU, I interned at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta--that was a very cool experience. I currently live in Michigan and work at Michigan Public Health Institute as a researcher and speech writer for Michigan's Surgeon General. I will never forget the SOA experience, friendships, laughs, cries, and everything in between.
Tracie Paladijczuk Stewart, 8/06: "PREVIOUS: I got married 9/27/00
and now go by Stewart. I will graduate from The University of
Alaska Anchorage next fall with a major in Psychology. NEW:
Oh how time flies and things change! I received my Bachelor's
in Psychology from the University of Alaska, Anchorage and now
work for the State of Alaska as an Administrative Manager II.
No kids yet, but my cat sure it needy! I can't believe it's been
11 years since we went on our trip! I still remember it like it
was yesterday!" hysterical1@yahoo.com
Kathrin Peterson Burnett, 4/07: "In May 2007 I will be graduating from Murray State University with my bachelors degree. In November, my husband Brien and I are expecting our first child together. This is in addition to my son, Corey who will be 12 in November as well. kathrinrp10@excite.com
Wendy Peterson, 8/03: Graduated cum laude with honors from James Madison University, VA in May 2000. Performed with JMU marching band in Athens on New Year's Eve 2001 and went on a great trip to Ireland in April! :) I'm now living in Centreville, VA and teaching elementary general music in Fairfax County. Just finished a summer course at George Mason University and JoLee Marshall (tuba - '95/'96) just happened to be in my class!! We had a good time reliving some fond SOA memories..."wlpeterson44@cs.com
Joylynn Radtke Harlow, 3-04: "Wow, I cannot believe it was SEVEN years ago we were singing and playing in Europe! What a great time we had! So much has changed since those simple days of 18! I have graduated with my undergraduate in Business Management and Marketing and then obtained my Master's in Business Administration. NEW: I just love reading the new things going on in all of your lives! I can't believe it has been almost 9 years since we have all been together! I am still a Loan Officer, Asst Vice President of a bank here in Kansas. Not singing much anymore except for weddings and in church choir--I miss it! Still married, will be 3 years this summer. In December we had our first child, a girl Ashlynn Nicole. She is amazing, well at least to us! : ) What a difference a child makes in your life! Hope everything is wonderful with all of you! I am slow at replying but feel free to email and I will get back eventually! twoname@hotmail.com
Trevor Rick: "I miss all you SOAers from '95. Red bus still rules by the way. I graduated from the University of Maryland in 2000 with a BFA in theatre. I moved to Los Angeles in October of 2001 and am now working hard to make a living as an actor in the city of angels and meeting withsome success. I'd love to hear from all of you soon, so email me and we'll catch up and see what's new with all of you. Take care of yourselves." TrevorRick@aol.com
Kristina Rico, 3/05:"It was so great to read all of the great things happening to all of you! As an update - I graduated from Villanova School of Law in 2003 and went directly on to get my master's in corporate tax from Villanova as well. Once I realized I had to get a real job, I accepted one with the Office of Chief Counsel for the IRS in Washington, DC. (I can only imagine what some of you are thinking). I am regularly in court and working with the Department of Justice on a number of tax cases. I don't get to sing that often anymore but I think of SOA often. I hope that all is well with everyone! I miss you all so much!! Please keep in touch - I would love to hear from you all!! Previous: Hi everyone, I graduated from Syracuse University in 2000 with a BA in Political Science, Policy Studies and a minor in Communications. While I didn't major in music, I still continued to sing with the Syracuse University Jazz Choir called the Windjammer." KrissyRICO@aol.com
Kristin Sakalys: Is a junior at Hartt School, CT majoring in Music Ed. She's employed as a Church Cantor in Hartford, CT and sings at weddings and plays guitar and possibly exploring a career in folk music on the side. kdswissmiss@aol.com
Cheryl Sanders Lupton: Currently working as a Coder / Transcriptionist at McFarlin Medical Clinic , Hillsboro, IL. She's married to Jim Lutpon and no children yet. jclupton@swetland.net
Marie Santa, 10/04: "I am currently working with the Juvenile Justice Commission for the State of New Jersey as an Education Program Assistant. I just started an MA program in Forensic Psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in NYC. " rierie3hotmail.com
Nicole Scott: "I will be employed with Worthington Industries in Columbus, OH starting June 12. The position is in Sales. I should be transferred to the branch in Kienberg, Austria in 1-2 years."
Siconolfi, 1-09: "Living
in Spain, singing, acting and teaching--am on Facebook, drop me
a line! Previous: I graduated from NYU in 2000, then got
my Equity card doing a national tour of Jekyll & Hyde, and
some stuff in NYC. Been living in Spain the last three years,
teaching English and doing children's theatre, but now headed
back to the States for awhile, so we'll see what the future brings..."
Shoemaker, 3/08: "What
up yall?!? A lot has happened since our trip almost THIRTEEN years
ago...WOW. Back then most of us were young, and now, even the
youngest one on our trip, my trip "boyfriend", little
Jay Gillespie from Alaska (Jay, where are you? Holler at me!!)
is all grow'd up and closer to 30 than 20 ;) Well, i went on to
march in the Auburn University marching band with Rob Cothran,
SOA '95 first trumpet & I graduated from Auburn in Psychology.
In April '06 I had a little girl, Evie, and this January I had
a baby boy, Isaac. I'm living up in Chicago now...drop me a line
if you wanna say hi or send me some pics! Peace!!" Felix24601@aol.com
Brian Smith: "I graduated from Baylor University with
a BA in Political Science last May. I am currently in my first
year of classes at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.
I am pursing a Master of Divinity degree and preparing for working
in Christian ministry in the future. I'm still playing the French
horn, though not as much as I'd like to."
Anthony R Tuttamore, 1/05: (Euphonium) Hey all just got back from overseas. I'm back home in sandusky,Ohio...Still single.I play with bands that need a low brass player kinda hard to find bands that need a lo-brass player I shouldv'e mastered trumpet lol.email if you like.......... usmarine73@yahoo.com
Eric VanDuzer: "Hey all you Soa'ers sorry I haven't updated myself in awhile. Well I am still live in the Raleigh NC area and loving it. I am still selling Wireless/Mobile Phones and not loving it. I am singing with a band now called Nowhere But Here and we are finally playing out we head to the Studio to record our first demo in march. Hope this little note finds you all well I WILL BE AT THE REUNION CONCERT IN JULY SO YOU BETTER BE TOO! Love you all and if yu are in the Raleigh area please let me know with an email." EricMvanduzer@netscape.net website:www.geocities.com/nowherebuthere2002/nowhere
Mandy Wilcox: "I graduated from University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2001 and was married the next summer.Now, as Mandy Johnson, I work at the University of Denver doing Marketing and Communications for The Women's College.I am also a graduate student at the University of Denver, studying Digital Media.My new email is amandakayjohnson@hotmail.com. Best wishes to the entire SOA family with the 2003 tour.My summer in SOA is still one of the most amazing experiences I have ever had.I am so happy that high school kids still have this amazing opportunity." amandakayjohnson@hotmail.com
Paul Wilson, 5/05: "After a 5-year stint singing on a full-time basis with Cantus www.cantusonline.org, I came to the realization that my passion for music was much greater when I sang as an amateur. So, I made the jump to the for-profit sector as a financial advisor and I'm able to sing whenever I want for whomever I want - not because someone pays me to do it. The passion I had for music is back to where it was when I was in SOA - thanks for the memories!" Paul.Wilson@jnba.com
Stacey Yoder, 1-06: "Wow! It's been a few years since I last
posted! A great deal has happened since my graduation from college.
The short story goes like this: worked for the Goodspeed Opera
House in CT (the theatre where "Annie" originated) and
met a lot of great (and famous)people. Moved back home in 2003
and became the stage manager for a dinner theatre in the area.
This past spring, the owners retired and left their son, his wife
and myself to run the place. I am now a producer/owner of The
Pines Dinner Theatre and Western Star Productions, Inc. I am still
singing my heart out with my country band, Wooden Nickel, and
in a few of our productions. In Jan. of 2007 I will marry my high
school sweetheart, Brad. All is well and happy in Hamburg, PA!
"Together Forever"
Previous: Graduated from Hartwick College, Oneonta,
NY with a BA in Theatre Arts and a minor in Music. During 99/00,
was President for Sigma ALpha Iota Women's International Professional
Music Fraternity. countrydiva22@aol.com
last modified 9-28-11, tlb