Gracie Acosta, 6/08: John Ontiveros and Gracie received GRAMMY AWARDS this year with their Los Hot Horns of La Familia mariachi band!
Alice Aycock, 12-03: I have missed all of you guys so much. Well I am not doing anything much. I am in my second year of college. I am going to Beville State Community College in Jasper, AL. I am also going to parties and clubs, but other than that I am just studying and relaxing. Love to hear from you guys, email me anytime.
JulieAubry, 11-07: "Hey
Guys! I was the alto girl with long blonde hair and a pierced
nose (I don't know if that helps). I just came across my photo
album from the trip and it made me miss everyone so much! Since
I last saw you, I graduated from Dominican University with a degree
in Fashion Design. Currently, I'm loving my life in Chicago working
as a Costume Designer for several theatres. And I'm in the design
process of starting my independent line of handbags. I hope everyone
is doing well!"
Kent Bailey, 4-04: "Hey everyone! I miss everyone so much!
I'm still studying piano here in Vegas with the same teacher.
I'm looking to get my two year degree here and then move on to
the Hartt school of music in connecticut. Other than that everything
is going ok. I wish I could see all of you again. Send me an e-mail
or IM me at Beethoven1808!
Previous: I made it as Valedictorian which means I had to give
a speech! I'm going to be going to college to study full time
as a Piano Performance major with a man who studied at Julliard
and The Dominican Republic National Music Conservatory, Toured
with SOA in 2003 too."
Myranda Ballinger, 8/03: "Well, I'm in Monterey, CA until March of 2005. As you all know I joined the Air Force, graduated basic military training on July 25, and now I'm here learning Chinese. Well, I don't actually start classes till Nov. but you get the idea. I'm also getting married at Christmas so it will be Myranda L. Frederickson after 12-22-03! Anyway, that's all for now but I'll continue to keep you all updated. xxxooo!!! "
Sarah Brown, 11/04: (yes know from guys and dolls) "ummmmm....HI!!!! nobody really knew me except probably Sarah Butler(the coolest tennesee gal ever!!) And my five girls Meleece, Ali, Tamera, Kate, and Jen. Me and Jamon Maple made All state choir he made second chair WOWOW!!! I made 6th chair....two away from top chior was cool though...REALLY exciting!! Anywho while i was at the convention i was chosen to sing a sourt of operetic solo...kind of light but REALLY REALLY high...soprano 1 you know...any who...i really enjoyed my time with all of you. I will be attending Luisianna state University in the fall of 2005...CAN"T wait to start that vocal career of mine....OH bout that state music...."german fahrt song"..i hate it....that high "A" is killing me!!...anywho...I LOVE ALL OF YOU!"
Kristin Burch, 3-05: "Well hello everyone!!! Well It's been quite a long time now since I have updated and much has happened in my life. I am currently a sophmore at Pacific Lutheran University, majoring in Theatre (acting/directing emphasis) and minoring in vocal performance. I am singing Soprano 1 in the Choir of the West which is so amazing. We just returned home from a 2 week tour in southern California, and though it was so much fun, it was nothing compared to SOA. I am also a Barista at Starbucks which is an absolute blast!! A year ago, I went to Holland for four months to be in a Professional tour of West Side Story through a company in New York, and that was incredible! I played the role of Anybody's and was also Maria's understudy. It was the opportunity of a lifetime! As some of you know, Matthew Drago and I are no longer together. Things just changed a lot between us, and it became too difficult. But I am happily in a new relationship with a guy named Mike here at home, and things are going very, very well! He is a music major at Covenant College in Georgia so he is away right now, but he will be back in the summer. Other than that, not much else is new. You can see more of a daily update if you visit my website at: . It's an online journal, and I love getting feedback so please visit!! I still think about tour all the time, and I will forever cherish the memories and friendships I made. Thank you for being a part of one of the best experiences of my life!! I love you all!"
Ann Chao, 9-03: "Hey everyone! I miss all of you a lot!! Maybe once I can drive I can visit some of you. Well, on September 14th I'm having my own recital at Weill Recital Hall in Carnegie Hall. If you can, please attend! I would love to see any of you again! IM me at Creampuff913."
Meleece Cheal, 8/03: "Hello you beautiful people! I must say thank you to each and everyone who went on the 2002 SOA tour. You all made deep, wonderful impressions on my life and the tour strengthened my commitment as a musician. Right now I'm preparing for BYU School of Music auditions. Good luck to you all and thanks again! "
Chelsea Cloninger, 5-05; "I should be studying for finals but i can't stop thinking about the good ol' days! in 2 days i'll be done with my junior year at CSUF - i'm still in southern california. sadly, haven't been singing lately but working a lot at a jazz night club. k feel free to email me. i'd love to hear from all you people that made that trip so awesome!"
Rebecca Conger, 10/03: "Hey guys! I miss you so much! I'm a Freshman at Siena College (Albany area) this year and am loving it. My major is Political Science and I'm trying desperately to find somewhere to play my trombone and sing. Wish me luck! You guys are my inpiration to keep going with music!! Good luck with everything!!"
Corinne Corbett, 8/03: "Hi everyone! I hope all is well with each of you. North Dakota is....well....the same. I graduated in May and will be attending Concordia College in Moorhead, MN, this fall. I'm undecided on a major, but will definitely study music while I'm there. I'm really excited for college, and I hope all of you have had a great year. I wish all of us were doing SOA again this summer! Miss you all! "
Brad "Bubba" Davis, 1-04: "HOWDY everybody!!! this is bubba from the red bus givin a shout out to everybody... i'm now halfway through my sophomore year here at UNC Asheville, North Carolina... I'm majoring in Music and Spanish hoping to go into education... So keep me in y'all's prayers... I hope everything is goin great with yuns... There's not a day that goes by that i don't think about somebody from the trip... i'd love to hear from u guys, so drop me a line anytime at the given email address... also, my screenname for I.M. is bullfrogbd... God bless you all and pray for the ministry... ~Because He (Christ) Lives, Bubba"
De Horta, 9/06: "Hey
Guys, Joshua from Ohio here...I can't believe after all this time
I still think about you all and our travels together. Remember
to keep in touch, I'd love to hear from you all.
DiPasquale, 4/07: "Hey
everybody! I'm not sure if anyone checks this anymore, but
we are coming up on our 5 year anniversary of the trip! Is
anyone planning on going back for the concert this year? I think
it would be great if we could get a 5 year reunion
set up. If you're interested, email me at
I finishing up my junior year at the University of Delaware, and
just declared a major in art conservation. I'm probably going
to go to grad school for historic preservation. Anyhow, I miss
you all, and still think about our trip all the time. Take care!"
Eric Dodez, 2-05 "Hey guys, how's life? Things are going fairly well here. I'm a sophomor at LSU in Baton Rouge, majoring in Philosophy, minoring in German, and working ALL of the time. I think my 2 summers spent with you guys pop up in my head about 4-5 times a week...still! It's been 2 years and I still miss it. I march drum corps and I absolutely love that so I won't be able to do SOA again unless I were a chaperone, which is defintly on my things-to-do list sometime in the future. If anyone ever wants to get in touch with me, my AIM is tenordude01 so you could find me on MSN messenger also. Take care and best wishes."
Sarabeth Edlund, 7/05: "(clarinet, NY, gold bus) I've gotten nostalgic reading over everyone's entries.. I'm at Oberlin College majoring in East Asian Studies, and taking Chinese and Japanese. I actually ran into another tourmate on the way into dinner one day, but I can't remember his name (I'm so sorry!). Unfortunately, I rarely get a chance to play anymore, despite (because of?) being literally a block away from the conservatory. I'd love to hear from anyone who remembers me (or those who don't)!"
Ed Ford,
1-06: "I'm a computer
science major at Boston University with a minor in music performance.
Things are going wonderfully. I'm a member of BU's Concert Band,
Big Band, and Pep Band. Somehow, I've managed to get my name known
in some Boston music circles, which has taken me down some interesting
roads. I recently got called to play a film score, as well as
a production of the musical Chicago. I hope those opportunities
continue. Over the summer, I spent some time playing with one
of the trumpet players from the Philadelphia Orchestra, which
was an amazing experience for me. In addition to being a full-time
student and doing all that performing, I have 2 part time jobs.
I do tech support for the IT department at BU, and software engineering
for a different BU department. If any of you are passing through
Boston and want to see a friendly face again, drop me a line:,
Matthew Fowler, 12-03: "Hello everyone! I miss everybody
so much. I have to admit that SOA was the best time of my life.
I am now attending The University of South Carolina, and it is
great. Not only am I in the chorus but I am also on the football
team. I just recently was chosen by my state's musical program
to star the lead role in the musical "Grease". I wish
everyone the best of luck in whatever you do. The people I met
on this tour are the greatest people I have ever met. I will never
forget any of you. When any of you have a chance please e-mail
me. Take care and God bless."
Tammie Fox, 11-03: "Hey guys, now a sophomore at Chapman! Life in Cali is...well, busy as always, still a double major (voice and ed) and I'm trying to figure out a way to add music therapy. And I'm events coordinator for the Alumni office here so I just planned and threw a great tailgate party for Homecoming! Can't wait for ya'll to come visit. And I'm totally excited for the DVDs to come out. P.S. Keep the date open: FEBRUARY 22, 2004!!!! It's my Sophomore recital. I will be singing works by Handel and Schumman (the fav other than Mozart)...I don't think there's a lot more exciting news...other than I have a concert tomorrow Happy Halloween to all! And I hope the rest of the homes in Cali stay standing...Sending hugs..."
Christy Hall, 9/03 : "Hey everyone! It seems like an eternity since we were in Europe! I graduated from Montpelier High school in June, and will be attending The American Musical and Dramatic Academy in NYC this fall. Rock on!! "
Hensel, 7/06: "Hi!
This is Mickey the trombone player from the Blue Bus! I'm currently
a Music Education major at Texas Christian University. I'm on
facebook and myspace and my AIM screen name is Mickey Hensel,
yeah pretty creative right. Anyway, I would love to get in touch
with ya'll so if you want to send me a message don't be shy!"
Lexi Herman, 9/05: "Hey guys- I guess it's time for an update! I'm a junior at St. Olaf, still studying voice, but majoring in Political Science and Communications. Funny where life takes us! I'll be studying abroad in England next semester, at Lancaster University. And yes, Kristin and I are still as close as ever! Some things never change :) Send me a note if you want to talk- I miss y'all like no other! I thank God every day for the opportunity to be with you :) Lots of love!"
Jennifer Hoff , 9-03: "Hi everyone! I spent this past summer in Rome at a camp there. It was so much fun and I met a lot of great people, but I will never forget any of you or the times that we had. I miss SOA 2002 so much. Some of my friends went on the 2003 tour and so now I have someone to talk to about it! I'm busy gettin ready to apply to college....early decision to Swarthmore! "
Ashley Houser, 9/04: "Hey guys, its Ashley from the red bus! Oh I miss you guys like crazy. I am a freshman at California University of Pennsylvania in California, PA. I'm a Biology/Pre-Med major-I've got a tough boat to ride. It is sad to say though that music has drifted out of my life, but I still love to listen to the SOA cd and watch the dvd!"
Regan Hughes, 3-04: "Hey Y'all!! (Remember, I am one
of the one's from Texas and also Rosemary Hughes is my mom!) I
was just so excited reading everyone's notes that I thought I
would fill y'all in on the past two years. Currently, I am at
East Texas Baptist University studying Vocal Performance. Our
Concert Choir is getting ready to go to Russia and go on our annual
international tour. All of us are really excited! But the best
news that I have is that...I am engaged!! My fiance and I are
very excited and are busy making plans and graduating! I would
love to hear from anyone and I have missed y'all so much!! God
bless y'all!
Hwang, 10/06: "I can't
believe that it's been 4 years now since Europe and as sad as
it is I've lost touch with a lot of you. So, drop me a line sometime.
Anyways, I haven't been singing for the last 3 years and have
focused on water polo, swimming, and lacrosse. Things are going
well with those. 2 time national qualifier in water polo with
my team and just missed the cut for nationals in swimming. Maybe
next year it'll happen. I'm a math major now studying to become
an accountant and get my CPA and MBA. That's my life. I hope everyone
is doing well and who knows, I might run into one of you one of
these days.
Previous: I'm a sophmore at Grinnell College majoring in Mathematics.
I have been singing with a guys acapella group here for awhile
but recently quit due to scheduling conflicts with swimming. I'm
still swimming here in college after taking my freshman year off
and am captain of the Lacrosse team. Feel free to contact me anytime.
It'd be great to catch up with you guys. Email me at
or AIM: XBell1207
Hymel, 11-08: "Hey
everybody! I have graduated from Loyola University with a Bachelor
of Music Education in 2007. I spent a year as a middle school
band director, and have now moved up to take the position at the
high school. I am also playing both trombone and guitar in a number
of different bands around the city of New Orleans."
Cheryce Johnson, 2/04 "I am 17 and I was in this program two years ago. It was the most exciting thing I have ever done and I would be delited to be able to do it again. This experience gave me a whole out look on life in general. I have been singing for about thirteen years and have had training for about eight. I have sung reportiore in french, spanish, italian, along with old folk, classical, and jazz. If I had one thing to say to the people who are dying to go, give it a shot because you most definitely will not regret it. It was really neat to see how people of the different countries interacted with one another as well as with the SOA group of students on the tour. If you have never seen an audience so involved in the music that you sing this is the experience for you. Take a risk and don't pass it up because I almost did and now that I have gone I am glad that I did and I wouldn't take back going in a million years."
Johnson, 2-06: "Hello SOA!! Wow, it's been SO long, but
I still think about the GREAT time we all had in Europe. I just
got finished serving a two year mission for my Church. I was in
the Kentucky/souther Indiana area. I am now working as a framer
(framing garages and things like that) and I'm saving money for
college. It's my hope to soon go to BYU and study musical theater.
I don't know what excatly I'm going to do with it, but if music
can't be part of my life then well... what's the point. I would
really like to hear from ANYONE, even if we didn't hang out on
tour. By the way, if people send daily forwards through e-mail,
I block them. Love you all.
Sorrel LaVigne, 11-03: Hey Everyone, I hope you are doing wonderful. I still think of my time with all of you as some of the best moments in my life. I am a sophomore at University of New Mexico in Albquerque, majoring in music (recording methods) and nursing (you know something practical;-) Please e-mail me, I'd love to catch up.
Layman, 11/06: "Hey
everyone! I recently decided to revisit our amazing times in Europe,
and watched the DVD's. I was so overcome with memories! I'm a
sophomore at The University of Toledo in Ohio, working towards
a degree in Journalism. I'm very active in my sorority, Chi Delta
Pi, and am currently serving as Philanthropy Chair. I still sing
ALL the time (sometimes even SOA songs!). Feel free to get in
contact with me...I hope you are all doing great! Much love!"
Jessica Lear, 3/05: "Wow... I'm so happy that people take
the time to update their info on this page! I know I will never
forget the tour, but some people are getting a bit fuzzy! I'm
in the Army band playing my trombone and singing as well. I skipped
out on the college thing... for now anyway. I'm finishing up a
deployment in Southwest Asia in January. I've spent only a couple
months there touring around with the showband group of the band
I'm in. We play almost anything that you hear on the radio from
Tower of Power to Drowning Pool and Godsmack. We do country, rock,
pop... It's a great concert. If any of you find yourself in Maryland,
near the Aberdeen area, look me up. I'll be there!! Feel free
to email me! Even if you have no idea who I am... the crazy trombone
girl from Alaska...
God bless you all and good luck with life!"
Rea Manderino, 8-04: "Hello everyone, at least to those
who read this! I'm about to start my college journey (31 days,
to be precise) off to the Univ. of Chicago, where I plan to major
in biochemistry. High school ended well enough. Not that I like
to talk about it (I really hate being put on a pedestal, and who
doesn't?) but it seems everyone mentions it: I graduated Valedictorian
(tied with another girl based on GPA and ACT, tied with four others
just based on GPA) and won a slew of educational awards and scholarships,
but the only one that really matters, at least to the music minded,
was the John Phillip Sousa award, for which I was most happy to
receive. It's something like the 70th season for the award. Anyway,
I changed my mind about taking my tuba with me, and willing risk
the health factor for it. The music department was thrilled to
have somebody interested in borrowing a tuba, so now I'm trying
to muster the guts to audition. At least I'll try and play for
the pep band at the football games. I do miss the tour very much,
and listen to our CD now and then. Wasn't The Hounds of Spring
wonderful? I wrote a letter via snail mail to my roomie, Michelle
Sullivan, sometime ago, and haven't heard anything. I still commicate
with Stanley Johnson and happy to report he's almost done with
his mission trip. I'm sure he'd agree he found it enlightening.
Hope everyone is well and best wishes to all. Rea, Blue Bus, tuba.
Jamon Maple, 8-05: "Hey Everyone! I can't believe it's been 3 years since the tour. I still dream of meeting up with all of you again. Tons of things have happened since I last updated. I'm finally turning 18 on August 18th 2005. I will be attending Boston University on a full ride majoring in vocal performance. It's so wonderful to read about the great things people on our tour are doing. I thank God for allowing me to share a part of my life with ya'll. I pray that each of you go out and share your gifts and talents with all you meet, and allow God to use you to touch many hearts as you all have touched mine. Embrace God's purpose for your life and I promise, the fullness of your life will surpass human imagination. Love Always! (Missed the Saturday dance,heard they crowded the floor, couldnt bear it without you, DONT GET AROUND MUCH ANYMORE)."
Nina Maurer, 12/05: "It has been so long and i miss many of you so much. Currently I am a sophomore at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, NY. I am majoring in Mathematics and Secondary Education. I;ve been keeping up on my singing though. With the Chamebr singers here I've gone to Carnagie Hall and performed Hayden's "Missa in tempore belli" and we hope to go again to sing Mozart's Requim. I am also involved with a select woman's choir here and also have been participating in theater club intensely. I have recently been casted as Brooke Ashton/Vicki for the show Noises Off which will be performed in Feburary 2006. I miss you all so much and i hope some day i will be able to see you once again. I hope to chaperone/sing someday with you once again. If you wish to get in contact with me feel free to IM me at stellarpuppy or email me at Many happy wishes to you all and I miss you all!"
Mentzer, 11-06; Hello all
I was just thinking about this page and thought I would send out
an update... I also wanted to shout out to the Omaha girls New
York and Cali girls wherever they may be and tell them to e-mail
me with whats going on.. WEll whats new with me, I am getting
married in April of 2007 and currently expecting a baby boy Isaia
in December... i miss you all and for those whom I was sincerely
close to during the trip I
would really like to catch up so please e-mail me!! :) miss you
all!! Previous: graduated from the University of Northern
Iowa with a degree in social work with an emphasis on human resources.
Blah blah pretty borring. SOA was the best summer I have ever
had. I hope that we can all meet up some day to reenact the great
concerts we good. Miss you all!!
Alison Muller, 8/05 "I just thought that I would update my email incase anyone wants to get a hold of me that way. I'll have this address for atleast 3 more years now (scary to think I have to be in college for 4-5 years). Drop me a line! - SEE below! Previous: WOW!!! I was bored and thought that I hadn't seen the site for a while and thought that I would update. I'm going to be a sophmore and Northwest Missouri State in Maryville, MO. Got a tattoo a few days ago, I know that's not really required information, but I'm still excited about it. I read a lot of updates about possibly getting together and I know I've been thinking about it for a few months now. So I decided I'm going to take a road trip in 2 years (5 year anniversary) with my time off school during the summer and leave Okoboji behind. Let's see if it actually happens!
I know it's hard to keep in touch with everyone but please try your hardest. I lost two very good friends to vehicle related deaths this past year that I had lost touch with as I left for school. I'll try to stay in touch with as many of you as possible, but I need effort back. On a lighter note. No boyfriend, not fiance, no husband. For the first time in 2 years I'm single and loving it!!! I'm not sure that was required either, but why not. I'm sure this is long enough by now and I'm going to wrap it up with one of my favorite quotes from the trip "I love cheese" Thanks Sarah for that memory. And thank you everyone for each memory that I have."
Daniel Newton, 8/04:
Bethany O'Dell, 4-05: "I'm not really sure what information you're looking for here, but I traveled with the chorus as an Alto II in 2002. It was one of the best, most enriching experiences of my life. I am currently in the Navy as an aviation electrician. I've knocked two years off my enlistment and am looking at another three. I miss performing with a group though. Maybe someday I can do something like this again. God bless you all." (no fwds, please)
Lindsay O'Neil 6/05: "Hi everyone. I suppose it is time for an update since it has been nearly two years! I am home for the summer after completing my second year of college at the Eastman School of Music where I am studying vocal performance. I am having a marvelous time at college - it is so rewarding to see how much progress I have made with my singing.
In addition to singing, I was crowned Miss Greater Rochester this year. Miss Greater Rochester is a local pageant in the Miss America System. Therefore, I will be competing this summer to become Miss New York State. If I win this, then I will go on to Miss America. My involvement in this program has been absolutely outstanding!
If any of you would like to stay
in touch, please feel free to e-mail, IM (linzsing6), or even
"facebook" me! I think about our summer quite often,
so I would love to catch up with all of you. Hope all is well..."
John Ontiveros. 6-08: John and Gracie received
GRAMMY AWARDS this year with their Los Hot Horns of La Familia!
"Hi! Its been a while
since I've visited this place. Gracie Acosta and I played trumpet
with SOA in 2002. We were from Big Spring, Texas. I wanted to
let everyone know that we are still playing together. We have
been on the road now with Little Joe Y La Familia for about a
year. This is a Two Time Grammy Award Winning chicano band from
Texas. We currently just finished recording an album with Joe
which is called "Before the Next Teardrop Falls" which
was just nominted for a Grammy!!!! We are really excited and have
our fingers crossed. We will be attending the awards on Feb. 10th
2008 at the Staples Center in Los Angelos California. On behalf
on Gracie and I, we would like to thank SOA for the most memorable
experience of our lives. We still talk about the tour today as
if we had just got back from it. Thanks for helping us find the
true musicians inside of us.
John Ontiveros-Lead Trumpet
Gracie Acosta-Trumpet (SOA '02)
Two time Grammy Award Winner
2008 Grammy Nominee"
Sam Palmer, 11-09: "Hey everyone, it's been so long since we all were together. I graduated May 2008 with Music degree but couldn't get a job like I wanted so my dream as always been to live in Asia. So after college I applied to be an English teacher in Seoul, South Korea and I've been here a year and a half and hope to stay longer. I am still able to use music with me teaching which is great. I really love being over and would love to hear from some of you again. Look me up on facebook or email me at Hope to hear from you soon. ."
Aaron Patterson: "Best wishes and congratulations to the 2002 SOA travelers - I was tremendously honored and humbled by Mr. Barr and his remarkable staff when they invited me back on tour as a guest soloist. I enjoyed the many opportunites to perform and to represent our great nation, but most importantly, I cherished the chance to become a better music educator - to connect with as many of the students as possible and to share my passion of music. The caliber of musicianship within this year's band and chorus members was truly outstanding and inspiring; I can only wish that, like my own musical role models, I, too, may have lit the creative spark of a young instrumentalist or vocalist on tour. Best of luck in the future to the 2002 SOA participants, chaperones, and staff! "Music is the vernacular of the human soul." "Geoffrey"
"I'm a junior music education major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania in Indiana, PA (about an hour east of Pittsburgh). It's been a terrific experience! This past winter, I was invited to perform in a masterclass at the annual U.S. Army-sponsored Saxophone Symposium. I finished my piano minor last fall and plan to begin a clarinet or flute minor in Spring 2002. Hope all is well with '98 SOAers!"
Aaron has also recently been the guest soloist with the Butler County Symphony Orchestra and was declared winner of the 23rd Young Artist Competition, sponsored by the Butler Co. Symphony Association. His "A Few Good Reeds" quartet placed third in the senior wind division of the 2002 Fischoff National Chamber Music Competition.
Leah Pedersen, 9/03: "Hey all! I graduated from Alta High School (in Iowa) in May, and am now a freshman at the University of South Dakota. I'm majoring in biology/pre-physical therapy. I'm also in the marching band and symphonic band, so I'm having a lot of fun here. Miss you all and hope everything is going good with everyone! "
Deanna Pelley:"Hey everybody! I can't believe its been almost a year since we all first met for SOA - crazy! Well I just finished my junor year at Ft. Zumwalt South High which means I have another year left, ugh. I do get to travel with SOA again this summer and I so excited, but it won't be quite the same since ya'll won't be there. I hope that every body plans to attend the concerts. Please e-mail me and tell me how things are going with ya'll. In Him - Deanna Pelley "
Ryan Pontillas, 2/05 "Hello all. I am currently a Music
Synthesis Major at Berklee College of Music in Boston, MA. My
principle instrument is piano, and I'm in a trip-hop band called
Cabiria. I am also continuing to produce electronica. Check these
sites out:"
Sarah Rado, 3/07: "I
just graduated from the Museum School in Boston and I am living
in Delaware again. I am working on art and still singing, trying
to form another band. If you want to see my art and listen to
my music its on
I miss all of you guys and gals, in particular I am looking for
Sapphire and the rest of the girls from the red bus! I am on myspace
and facebook so just search my name and you will find me. I started
an SOA 2002 group on both of those pages. AIM screen name pinkghett0;
Abby Ribblet, 4/05: "Hey Guys! A lot of you might not remember me, but I was on the blue bus and am the grandaughter of Grandma Sherry (the chaperone)! I am a freshman at Kansas State University in Elementary Education. I hope to get a master's in Library Science and become the best Elementary School Librarian ever! Nerdy, I know, but I love it! Sadly, music is no longer a major part of my life but the memories of SOA make up for it! Hope everyone is well and successful! I think about all of you daily and wish you well!"
Cynthia Riojas, 9-05: "Hey everyone! This is really cool that people are still updating their info after 3 years. I like taking a look around the site every once in a while and am glad to see everyone is doing well. As for me, I'll be graduating from Western Michigan University in April 06 (1 more semester to go!) with a degree in Aviation Administration and a minor in Business. I'm also getting married in July and will be moving to Indianapolis, IN. Unfortunately, I haven't kept up on playing my flute anymore, but I still pick it up every so often. SOA was tons of fun and I hope I can attend a farewell concert sometime and meet up with you all."
Rockers, 6/07: "Hey
everybody! Aaron here from the white bus wishing everyone a happy
5 year reunion for the SOA 2002 trip. It is hard to believe that
5 years have passed since the amazing trip. I just graduated from
Fort Hays State University with a music education and trumpet
performance degree; in the fall I will be attending New York University
to pursue a masters degree in jazz studies
I miss everyone very much and I constantly think about what an amazing impact the people and the music continue to have on my life. If you're in NYC and want to hang, email me! Take care, Aaron.
" Evan Schultz: "Hey
everyone. I am graduating from High School on june 28th. yayyyy.
I am going to be attending Wagner College(on Staten Island(in
nyc)) in Fall 2003 and my major is Musical Theatre. My aol and
aim sn are Blades1485 (talk to me). Love ya all....."
Laura Schroeder, 2/04 "Hey guys! I cant believe its been over a year. It still feels like yesterday when I was on the tour with you all. I miss you soooooo much. I am just in my junior year of highschool.....ugh. Music is awesome this year. I have competed in 3 competitions so far this year and got principal horn is all of them. Its pretty exciting. Well, I would love to hear from you all! A day never goes by when I dont think of the tour. Well, feel free to write me! Miss you all!"
Emily Seay, 10-04: "I doubt anyone remembers me, but I figured I would see anyway. I was the blonde girl from DC on the Green Bus. Anyway for those of you who do remember me I have some big news. I got married a month ago! I am starting my junior year at Brigham Young University. I still look back on my SOA trip with great fondness, and hope to go someone in Europe this summer to Intern with my husband, his name is Todd. Well I am off to work, hope to hear from some of you!
"Stuart Shapiro, 4/05:
"I currently attend New York University class of 2007 with
a double major in Film at the Tisch School of the Arts and Psychology.
When not living it up in New York City, I'm usually bored in Connecticut.
Email me and I'll respond. "
Cahill Smith, 1/05: "IT'S ME, CAHILL, ALABAMA
BOY! (trumpet) I deeply apologize for taking so long to post anything,
but just as all of you know (probably more than I) things can
get busy. This was my first semester of college at Samford University,
and it was alot easier than everyone cracked it up to be. I have
been very busy with music, especially the piano, and have featured
with 3 symphony orchestras for piano concertos during the past
year or so and am scheduled to perform Shostakovich's 2nd piano
concerto with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra on March 2nd and
3rd. If any of you could come it would rock my socks off...yes
thats right I did just say that...just call or email for more
information! I MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH! I know its terrible, but
I have honestly forgetten so much about the people, the music,
and the fun I experienced on the tour, all I know is that there
are somethings I couldn't forget, no matter how hard I tried.
I hope that all is well with everyone and that you guy s do a
better job than me of keeping in touch. WRITE ME! Take care and
God Bless ya'll!"
Smith, 3-09: "I'm
going to be graduating with my masters in bassoon in May from
the University of Houston. I don't know what is next for me...probably
teaching. I'm slowly starting a reed making company called "Good
Vibrations!" SOA holds a dear place in my heart. I would
love to hear from and catch up with you guys! Cheers. Previous:
Hi everyone! I am going to be a junior at the University of
Nevada, Las Vegas. Its a crazy place, let me know if you ever
go there. I am studdying music education and interior design.
I would love to hear from you, when you have the time please write!
You all are in my thoughts often. Thanks for all of the beautiful
Kate Tickner, 6/05 "Hi guys! This is so cool! I am gald we have a way to keep in touch! I just wanted to say hi!I graduated from pilot Point HS in Pilot Point, TX. Very proud to say as Salutatorian! I am a Soph. at Drury University studying architecture! I absolutely love it! I really miss being in Europe and can't wait to go back! I am still playing the French Horn too. thinking of minoring in music performance....but we'll see! Hope all of you are doing great! I really miss everybody and i always think of what great times we had on the trip! love you all! Thanks for all the great memories and friendships! Love you and miss you all!"
Stephen Trumble, 8/03: "Hey everyone! I miss everyone like crazy. Life is good up here in Maine. I graduated from high school and will be attending the University of Southern Maine's Honor Music program studying music education with a minor in phsycology. Anyone feel free to email me. i would love to hear from you."
Megan Verch, 10/04: "Well, I had no idea this page existed. What's up, guys? I'm just starting my first year at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as a mechanical engineer, and I'm having lots of fun meeting people, living in a sorority, and playing guitar Sunday nights at this coffee shop off campus. If any of you feel like talking, just e-mail me and I'll try to get back to you ASAP (although I'm pretty busy). Miss you all much, and hopefully I'll see some of you in the future. "
Lisa Wainwright, 9/05 : "Seems I have a tendency to update this thing around my birthday...that's right I can officially purchase porn, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. And vote. But personally, I don't hold much of an opinion where politics are concerned. I hope all of you are well, I always miss SOA most in the summer. I'm off to college next year, would you believe I'm going to Dickinson? It's weird I know. I love it there. I'm majoring in Archaeology with very high hopes to return to Europe (anyone want to come?! I'm all for a reunion!) particularly Italy and perhaps Greece. I actually just today started trying to get in touch with a whole bunch of people (I was bored I started writing emails) but a bunch of them were returned because addresses were changed so if that's you drop me a line so I know! I hope everyone is having a great summer and continues to do so. Love you all! songbrd221@gmail.coM
Joey Weber, 4-07: "People still update this thing? How
unlikely. I'm one of the
strangers you guys dont remember. They let me graduate from college
now I sell suits to wealthy people...also unlikely. I pretend
I'm mature
but dont worry...I'm not."
Carl Lee Wiles II, 10-05 "Hello everyone! Carl Wiles here from Gold Bus. Boy, so few years, but so much as happened. I still think back on my days with the group. It is one of my best memories, because it was really one of the last times i was able to sing with group in a performance setting. After SOA, my family came on hard times, and I had to get a job working 60 hours a week in order to help make ends meat. Needless to say, my extracaricular activites suffered.I graduated in 2003, and a few months later I met a wonderful woman who I am now married to. She is the mother of my two wonderful children. My wife having recently graduated college, has taken a job, and is now working to put me through college. Currently I am attending Skagit Valley College via Distance Education, in pursuit of a degree in Management Information Systems(Computers) while performing double duty as a stay at home dad. It's good to read where some of you others are, as I remember almost daily at least one thing from SOA. On occasion, I update my personal blog here: Anyone who wants to chat feel free to drop me a phone call or email."
Williams, 7-07; "Hey
guys! I was just surfing the net and the thought popped in my
head to check up on the old SOA group. I was from the red bus
for anyone who kept up with me. I'm sad to see that Chris Pruit
Anyway, 5 years later and I still say that going to Europe with
all of you was the greatest time of my life. I now have a beautiful
baby boy who is 7 months old. He is a pistol! I'm slowly but surely
making my way through life. I take each day at a time. I miss
the group and hopefully I will get the opportunity to go back
to Europe and maybe in the future I will bump into one of you.
I would love to hear from some of you, feel free to e-mail me!
created 5-16-03, tlb
updated 9-13-12