A few 2003 Tour Shirts still are available (M, S, XXL). They will be offered as thank you gifts for donations to SOA of $10 or more. Contact us if you're interested. |
this page last updated 10-8-12
The last 2 copies of the 3-disc DVD are available.
In it, you'll see so many fun moments, concerts, touring through the beautiful alps, taking boats on lakes and canals, as well as the elevator up the Eiffel Tower and the bus songs! Everyone on the tour is in the video multiple times! You guys look great! This is your chance to see the choreography! You will love re-visiting your memories with your SOA friends! You'll enjoy showing your family and friends what this SOA tour was all about! Contact us for details.
B Bailey, 9/05: Hello everyone
DAVE Here as i was so called on tour. It has been so long since
I have seen most of you. But since tour I have been lucky enough
to see a few people. Just this summer I was able to see, Rachael
Swartz, Rachael Stepler, KentBailey , Sloane Shultz, Deanna Pelley,
Tasha DeLeon, Meagan Risley, Danielle Fritz, Amanda Gumble and
Patrick Mitchell. It was so exciting seeing all of you guys. I
am attending my first year at Penn State as a Sophmore majoring
in music education. I am one of four bass trombones in the PSU
Blue band. I you don't knowthere are 310 members in this band
and it is a blast, but still not anyting like you guys. Take care
and till next time. "Penn State Forever molder of Men"
Caley Bowen, 11-05: "Wow two years have past, Time sure does fly by. But I still remember the best part of my life was going on this tour. I'm at the Mary Pappert School of Music at Duquesne University, majoring in music performance (horn) for if you don't remember me. Everything is going well, getting gigs and playing constantly which is fab. Hope everyone is well. Always Remember SOA 2003!!!!!" bowenc@duq.edu
Darley, 9/06: "I am
now a vocal music education major at Butler University, Indianapolis,
Indiana. Musical theatre just wasn't the thing for me and it finally
dawned on me that teaching music is where I should be. Yay! As
of now I also have a job and have started volunteering at the
church I attend down here at school. I'm excited to keep in touch
with several people from tour and I'd love to hear from anyone
else! This spring I also donated a large chunk of my hair to Locks
of Love, so it's been shorter than it was on tour. Hope everyone
else is doing well!" alidarley@yahoo.com
Tasha DeLeon, 11-05: "Oh SOA!! Has it already been two summers since all of us '03 tour memebers were together? My how quickly we all grow.
I'm a sophomore psychology major and music minor at the University of Nevada. I'm working on a behavioral analysis and intervention experiment on music performance anxiety (MPA). There isn't a lot of literature out there on MPA, so I'm hoping this will help my down the road in my career. I'm a member of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity, Eta Omicron Chapter in Delta B province, and i'm loving it! (ooh... long sentence). it's such an awesome way to keep music part of my life, especially the friendships formed through music. I play the flute in the spring concert band here at school. I'm on the color guard for marching band--I'm a bit clumsy when I try to play and walk at the same time. But all in all, life is good.
I still keep in touch with David Bailey, Ed Ford, Danielle Fritz, and Nate Krogh... though I wish I could hear from more people. The past summer Danielle came to visit me in Reno, we drove down to LA and met up with David. And this coming spring break I'm flying to Boston to see Ed and Danielle. Nate and I are planning a trip (for sometime in the future) to Canada to visit Sylvie, a woman we met in Grindelwald who came to our concert. So, SOA... as the last months of 2005 drift by, know that I'm thinking of you! 2003 wasn't that long ago, but it's still a fond and distant memory. I pray that you are all safe and happy, and one day our paths may cross again. When I think of you, my heart cries from missing you and from rejoicing in all our adventures together" booditdit@hotmail.com
Laura DiPasquale: lauradi@udel.edu
Eric Dodez, 2-05 "Hey guys, how's life? Things are going fairly well here. I'm a sophomor at LSU in Baton Rouge, majoring in Philosophy, minoring in German, and working ALL of the time. I think my 2 summers spent with you guys pop up in my head about 4-5 times a week...still! It's been 2 years and I still miss it. I march drum corps and I absolutely love that so I won't be able to do SOA again unless I were a chaperone, which is defintly on my things-to-do list sometime in the future. If anyone ever wants to get in touch with me, my AIM is tenordude01 so you could find me on MSN messenger also. Take care and best wishes." tenordude01@hotmail.com
Ed Ford: "I'm a computer science major at Boston University with a minor in music performance. Things are going wonderfully. I'm a member of BU's Concert Band, Big Band, and Pep Band. Somehow, I've managed to get my name known in some Boston music circles, which has taken me down some interesting roads. I recently got called to play a film score, as well as a production of the musical Chicago. I hope those opportunities continue. Over the summer, I spent some time playing with one of the trumpet players from the Philadelphia Orchestra, which was an amazing experience for me. In addition to being a full-time student and doing all that performing, I have 2 part time jobs. I do tech support for the IT department at BU, and software engineering for a different BU department. If any of you are passing through Boston and want to see a friendly face again, drop me a line: elford@bu.edu,
Helekahi, 9-06: Kimo
traveled with SOA 2006!
"ALOHA, Hi everyone
it's me kimo. I hope all of you are doing well with whatever it
is you are doing. For myself i am working and going to school.
I still live in beatiful hawaii on the island of maui. I am keeping
hope alive that one day I get to see all of you again. I toured
with the Sound Of America this past summer. My oh my did I have
blast. I met alot of people on this tour versus 2003.That's because
I had a goal. It was to met everyone on tour...Well I didn't really
get to meet everyone, but I believe I came close to it. The really
cool thing about this trip was that everyone knew who kimo was.I
thought that was cool. Well I hope you all are doing O.K.May God
bless you all - with much love and aloha - " helekahi_aj@hotmail.com
Amy Jesseph, 1/05: "Hey everyone! Just thought I'd update you all on what this small-town Kansas girl is up to. I'm currently attending Pittsburg State University (go Gorillas!), majoring in Elementary Education. I'm still performing every now and then, and I miss it a lot more than I thought I would. I'm still loud as ever, but I have grown up a little since the tour. Hope to hear from you all very soon. I miss you bunches, love you lots, and the blue bus still rocks my socks!" hoot_04@hotmail.com
A Johnson, 12/06 "I
recently performed at Carnegie Hall in New York and The National
Cathedral in D.C. (Where I met up with Sara Gibson and she is
doing very well) with the Rhodes Singers. We performed the works
of Morten Lauridsen who was in residence with us. We did the Carnegie
premier of the Nocturnes series by Lauridsen and it was a blast.
I miss you all and hope you are doing extremely well! To this
day, I still feel that the Sound of America is the best group
there is! Attending Rhodes College in Memphis, TN" johja@rhodes.edu
Nate Krogh, 8-05: "Hey guys! It's so crazy to think that it's been over two years since that amazing month of July. Just to give you an update, I'm currently in my sophomore year at Wheaton College (IL) pursuing a degree in church music. I miss all of you and the red bus STILL is the best!!!" natedogg637@hotmail.com
Kelly Krucki, 10/05: "Hey guys! I can't beleive its only been twop years since i last sang with everyone, it seems like so much longer. I'm still in high school (blah) and am currently looking at where to go to college, so if you going somewhere good email me. :) email me if you remember me cuz i miss you all!" Deadlygeorgeous@hotmail.com
Lofgren, 10-12: "I am currently working as a special education teacher in Washington, PA with transition age students (14-21 year old) to assist them obtain gainful employment. This is my email address lofgrenmelisa@yahoo.com.
everyone!! I can't say how excited I am to see our DVDs!! I miss
everyone tons and still stay in contact with Ed Ford and T-bone
Joe. Joe is actually in the marines now and will be shipped
out soon. :'( Please keep him in your prayers. I have to
say it has been great to see many pictures from that summer popping
up on Facebook. :) ... Hope everyone is doing well and please
stay in touch. my AIM is pinkluv426. Previous: My family
has made a move from Pennsylvania to North Carolina. It will be
a change, but am very excited. I am attending Saint Francis in
Pennsylvania and am majoring in Elementary and Special Education.
I think of you all often and would love to hear from you!!"
Kevin Lumpkin, 11-08, "5 years later and I still remember just about everybody from the tour! I'm in law school now, at Vanderbilt University! I'm just about halfway through my first semester, and loving every minute of it - but I still find time for music, in the all-law school a capella group, the Headnotes. I wish I could go on tour again - I miss you guys!" kevin.lumpkin@gmail.com
Malena Oldenburg, 12-05 "Oh Gosh! It has been so long!! Well...right
now I am in WiscOnsin(i will always say it right!)haha, and I
am having a fun time at college at UW Platteville. I am majoring
in Communications-broadcasting where I hope to become a newscaster
someday! Right now I work at a radio station and I am a country
d.j. It is tons of fun! I was in Austin Texas this summer nannying..and
that has been about all that has happened to me! I still sing
and enjoy my music! Other than that..life is great! I miss you
all!! Luv always! *Malena*" oldenburgm@uwplatt.edu
Charlotte Rea, 8-12; crea@brandeis.edu
Lindsay Roberts, 11/11: Lindsay graduated from the University of Maryland. She has toured with the national tour of "RAGTIME" as "Sarah"; and also as "Nala/Kibbi" in Disney's FESTIVAL OF THE LION KING. She has also performed in Kurt Weill's operetta, "LOST IN THE STARS" in NYC. You can see Lindsay in the 2011 RADIO CITY CHRISTMAS SPECTACULARin NYC as one of 3 understudies for the principal role of "Tracy". November 21 - Lindsay opened the show, "Broadway Dreams Foundation NY Benefit Concert. See more: www.lindsayroberts.com email: info@lindsayroberts.com
Swartz , 9/06: (white bus,
"Turn the Beat Around") "Hey everyone, 3 years
has passed and you all still pop into my mind. :) I transferred
colleges not too long ago -- I'm at Baldwin-Wallace College now.
I'm still doing the whole theatre thing. This summer I worked
for Tecumseh which is near Columbus, OH. I also did a one
night only Best of Monty Python and the Flying Circus as their
"token skirt." lol I still keep in touch
with a few of you guys, but I'd love to hear from more. Find
me on the Facebook, e-mail me rswartz@bw.edu, or I'm rachmt16
on AIM. Much love and miss you all!
Previous: Worked with the OOHDA Reperatory company in New
Philadelphia, OH and did five shows -- Trumpet in the Land, The
White Savage, Grease, Noah from A-Z, and the company dance concert.
for more info. I'll be attended Ohio Northern University"
Natalie Wessinger, 10-12: "I went to college and graduated from the University of South Carolina in 2011 with a degree in Music Education. And then....I started veterinary school! That was kinda always the plan to go to veterinary school. I am now attending Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine in St. Kitts in the West Indies. It is a wonderful program and I am almost halfway done with my time on the island. In a year and 2 months I will leave the island and complete my studies in a teaching hospital in the states where I do a clinical rotation year. I also got engaged and we plan to get married after I finish school." Her aunt Mary Burgess, who also toured with SOA, retired a few years ago and is enjoying having some time to herself. They both still talk all the time about their trip with SOA.
Stephanie West, 11-05: "Hello everyone! First of all I need to say that I miss you so much! I miss you even if I never really knew you! Well, I haven't really been doing much. Still living in Kansas :) I'm working really hard with a vocal coach right now and am preparing to audition with professional theaters in the spring. I hope to hear back from anyone soon! Love you all and I wish you all the best of luck in everything you do!" swest86@hotmail.com
Joseph Wilcox, 7/05: "Hello everyone, this is THE tubajoe Wilcox saying hello to everyone frome the hoosier state of Indiana!! I will be starting classes in the fall at IU Bloomington and be majoring in Music Education (Go HOOSIERS). It seems like forever ago since I was touring Europe with all of you guys. I still remember the great times I had with you guys and the fantastic music we created. It is something I will always cheerish. I am really looking forward to seeing some of you guys down the road. PS Bubba, I still like my women like I like my chicken!" jnwilcox@indiana.edu
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updated 10-8-12