Want to help victims of 9/11 and enjoy stirring SOA music? Trying to think of a good Christmas present for your family members? Please consider helping FDNY Fire Engine company #6 by purchasing the "Patriotic Tribute CD" by various SOA tours. |
Glynn Fluitt, 6/05: "I am now in New York City where I am a Sr. Manager of Information Technology for an International Law Firm. I keep my music alive by singing with, educating and (asst) directing the Big Apple Chorus here in the city www.bigapplechorus.com -- which is currently ranked # 8 in the world in the Barbershop Harmony Society. As the VP of Music and Performance I have been part of the team educating and leading these amateur singers to the point of singing in venues such as Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall and places all around the country. In July we'll be competing in Salt Lake City, where some of my guys will be singing with a mass choir in the Tabernacle.
At any point, my chorus is preparing
a spotlight feature on me which of course stirred up the biographical
memories of my music pursuits . . . .in which ASG played a very
major part. This prodded me to look up ASG
(SOA!!!!) and catch up on a little of what's going on in your
organization. Congratulations on such a long and illustrious career
in bringing music, culture and life-experiences to so many kids!!
What a wonderful world they will now experience because of these
Being in New York City, I look forward to the opportunity to visit one of your bon voyage concerts -- if not this year, then next. Let the kids know that even 27 years down the road, this experience will be one of the most rewarding and enriching of their lives . . . . .
Stella Martinez, 12/04: "I was a 2nd Alto from Las Vegas, New Mexico. I studied music in undergraduate school for four years but graduated with a liberal arts degree in 1985 from the University of New Mexico. After obtaining a masters degree (MBA) in business adminitration from the University of Texas at Austin, I have been in the Los Angeles area in Southern California working in commercial real estate specializing in the retail/shopping center area. This tour was an incredible experience, a once in a lifetime event with many fond memories and beautiful experiences musically and more importantly socially, as a fellow human being. The tour at the age I went (16) introduced me to the world and its possibilities. Thank you Clyde Barr and your wonderful family. stellarmartinez@hotmail.com
Mark Mash, 12/04: " I was in the choir. I am currently Vice President and General Manager of Miller's Country Hams, Inc. in Dresden, Tennessee. My daughter hopes to be part of the 2005 tour." mash@crunet.com
Maurice Armand "Mo" Ottinger, 4-11: "Colonel, US Army; currently on Faculty at US Army War College, Carlisle Barracks, PA (just down the road from current home of SOA). Toured with band (horn) in 1979 (between junior and senior years in high school). Did undergraduate degree in music education at Carson-Newman College (Jefferson City, TN) and entered Army through ROTC. Graduate degrees from Central Michigan (MSA), UT-Knoxville (PhD), Syracuse (MBA) and Army War College (MSS). Married to Lorie since 1985; children Emily (just graduated from UT-Chattanooga in 2010) and Allan (will graduate from Carson-Newman in May 2011). Serving as Praise Band Worship Leader and Assistant Choir Director for the Protestant Congregation at the Army War College Memorial Chapel." mo.ottinger@us.army.mil
Tim Tinkel, 6-13:Currently a missionary with BCM International.
He and his wife are working with compassion and children's ministries in Livingston,
TN. I was seventh chair trumpet in 1979 and loved it. tink38570@yahoo.com
Carson "Rick" Watson, 7/04: Work and reside in Upstate NY. Employed by Hearst-Argyle at an NBC affiliate (WPTZ)for the past 16 years. Married with two children 18 and 16. cfwatson11@hotmail.com
Updated 5-4-14