Welcome to The Sound of America Honor Band and Chorus Official Website!
The Sound of America Honor Band & Chorus News Page
NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS (updated 3-13-15)
The 2014 Highlights page and 2014 Photo Gallery have been posted for you to enjoy.
To see what the Sound of America program is like:
Check out our Photo Galleries. Here you can view more about our concert experiences, the locations we visit, and some of our past tour members in enjoying Europe.
Look around on the internet for amatuer video clips on youtube of our concerts, or visit our page on facebook..
Also check out these important pages: Professional Musicians discuss SOA / Special Achievements of Alumni
Travel Insurance:For your convenience, tour payments/tuition can now be submitted online through PayPal. You may use your account you have set up with PayPal, or chose to enter a credit card of your choice!
Payment for Sound of America:
Make a donation!
The Sound of America is a non-profit organization. We now accept donations through PayPal over the internet!
Donations may be considered tax-deductible as long as the contribution is received by the Sound of America, and it is not considered a tour payment (from the tour member or immediate family).
Can you help? The Sound of America is looking for help in funding its program. We are a non-profit organization, registered with the IRS under 501(c)3. Corporate and individual donations are requested in helping to maintain the existence of this music enrichment youth program. As an alternative to donating on-line, you may also call us at 717 245 2826 to arrange a direct donation. . Click here for more info on how to donate on-line or by mail/fax. |
Here's a great way everyone can help the Sound of America, that is easy and won't cost you anything!
When you shop on Amazon.com, log into www.Smile.Amazon.com, and a percentage of the value of your purchases will be donated by Amazon, to the Sound of Ameirica!
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SOA 2013 TOUR MEMBERS: After a trip with great weather and lots of great concerts, we hope you are all settling back to your lives and will keep SOA close to your heart. We have recently sent out post tour information by email. If you haven't received it, please contact us. A special thanks to chaperones, set up and truck crew members, dancers, and everyone, for all your hard work!
Here is a link that was sent to us from the American Cemetery in Luxembourg, featuring photos of you! (You'll need to scroll down.) Also, the Hotel Reichs Kuchenmeister, in Rothenburg, has posted a bunch of photos that were taken of our concert. http://www.facebook.com/reichskuechenmeister.
SOA 2012 TOUR MEMBERS: What a great trip! Thank you all for your hard work, for your positive attitudes and presentation of yourselves. We hope you have all had the most memorable and meaningful summer ever! You have continued the SOA tradition of providing positive and remarkable musical productions to thousands of American and Europeans.
2011 TOUR MEMBERS: Wonderful trip! Thank you to all tour members for being good representatives of our country, for being wonderful, focused musicians, and for having a great attitude! Each tour member helped make it a smooth trip! Chaperones, crew members, dancers, translators, staff, and all musicians . . . your efforts made a huge difference! It was one of the best tours ever! Congratulations! We hope it was a time you'll treasure forever!
Here is an article from the concert in St. Germain-en-Laye.
2010 SOA on TV News Story can still be seen on well respected, RTL (Radio Television Luxembourg): Click here to view a news story, featuring SOA at the American WWII cemetery in Luxembourg, televised in mid-August, 2010. Be patient - it takes a few minutes to load and it starts with about a minute's worth of advertisements.
Thank you for a wonderful tour! It was hot! The first two weeks were some of the hottest days we've ever experienced! But, we got through with no major health issues and no lost passports! Some concert goers thought this year's performances were among the best ever! .
Click here to see the poster from St Germain-en-Laye.
Article about our concert in this newsletter.
Rothenburg Newspaper article Here is another webpage from Rothenburg with more photos
The following link has a number of photos taken while at the US Cemetery in Luxembourg. It was brought to our attention by the Luxembourg's Friends of US Veterans. Photos are on the right and you can see they've had some ceremonies since we've been there - for veteran's day, and other dignitaries, etc. You'll need to scroll down in that window to July's events - it will say 25 July Sound of America.
VERDUN VIDEO online: Check out this LINK on YouTube, put up by a videographer in France. (As you know, other videos are on youtube.com, uploaded by other students.)
Your talents were so appreciated by the audiences and we have received so many nice compliments! This was the first time SOA has ever visited (and sang in) the gorgeous Mondsee church, where the Sound of Music wedding took place! It was also the first time to the Meuse region of France - (Verdun) - where we were treated so well by the French people who seemed so grateful! It was an honor to have been given American flags from US Veterans' associations, to present to their fallen brothers in both the World War I Cemetery near Verdun (largest American cemetery outside of US) and the World War II Cemetery (where Patton is buried) in Luxembourg.
We hope you all enjoyed the fun, the sites, the friendships and performances and all the memories that make the SOA 2008 tour unique and unforgettable! We had wonderful audiences throughout the trip. Some extraordinary audiences not to be forgotten: Cortina, Stresa, La Chaux, Luxembourg and Verdun, among others!
Enjoy these newspaper links about our concerts!
See photo gallery for 2008 photos!
Sound and Light show - Des Flammes a la Lumiere: www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_SlkFp3vKs
Newspaper article from Grindelwald - click on photo
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ALL ALUMNI - Click here to see news about SOA and other alumni!
Would you be interested in purchasing your year's recordings on CDs, which were previously only available on tape or album? Give us your input. We are considering these options, but we need more interest to make it feasible.
To All Alumni:
We are looking for more talented musicians for 2014 - you may contact us with referals! Please think about joining us again or recommending a talented student to us. Keep us posted on your address and phone number and e-mail address - by submitting your Alumni Form on-line. Otherwise, just stay in touch by e-mail.Visit our alumni pages!
A Patriotic Tribute Compact Disc (for sale)
To honor the heroes and victims of Sept. 11
This CD features patriotic selections from recordings of SOA concerts taken over the past 16 years.
It is dedicated to honor those directly affected by the attacks of last September. All proceeds of these CDs go to Engine 6 Fire Department of New York City and the families of its lost firefighters. Contact SOA to inquire about remaining CDs. Read about SOA's efforts to help Engine 6
click to enlarge CD cover photo
We invite you to visit the website of NYFD Engine 6. This small fire engine company is located very close to the WTC area. As the firefighters arrived at the scene, helping others, the towers collapsed and this department lost 4 of it's 5 firefighters on duty that day. Please take some time and learn about their experiences by going to their website.
Firefighter Bill King of Engine 6 attended our concerts this summer and you can read about it in their column under "Past Events". There is another article under "Past Events" about SOA giving the donated monies to Engine 6 Lt. Bobby Ryan.
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TRUMPETERS: As WWII veterans are rapidly becoming fewer, there is great demand for buglers to play taps at funerals. Because the demand is so high, some ceremonies are performed with a fake bugler with a pre-recorded "Taps" inside the horn. Volunteer at this site: Bugles across America.
Fax: 717 245 9822
terri (at) soundofamerica.org; or lyn (at) soundofamerica.org; or chris (at) soundofamerica.org
2014 Tour Info: 2014 NEWS / 2014 Itinerary / FAQ's / Directors & Staff / Eligibility / How to apply / Cost & Inclusions / Non-Profit Information / Music / Safety & Security / Featured Guest Clinicians 2014
SOA alumni testimonials and acheivements: Special Alumni / Distinguished Alumni Talk about SOA / Testimonials from Past Tour Participants, by state
Tour Highlights from past SOA summer programs: 2013 Highlights / 2012 Highlights / 2011 Highlights / 2010 Highlights / 2009 Highlights / 2008 Highlights / 2007 Highlights / 2006 Highlights / 2005 Highlights / 2004 Highlights / 2003 Highlights / 2002 Tour Highlights / 2001 Tour Highlights / 2000 Tour Highlights / '99 Tour Highlights / '98 Tour Highlights / '97 Tour Highlights /
See what the tour is like: PHOTO GALLERY / Fun website links /
PayPal Transactions: Make a Donation to SOA on-line / Make a Tour Payment online for a current student or applicant
Alumni: ALUMNI news and student news / Become a fan of our SOA Facebook page / Join your SOA year's Facebook group page by searching your year and "Sound of America" in Facebook
Last updated: 3-13-15