Students who have demonstrated outstanding musical ability and excellent character are eligible to apply for membership in the tour. Membership is open to talented student musicians ages 15-20 who qualify through audition and who receive outstanding character recommendations. We are looking for talented young musicians who also have shown that they display a positive attitude and are mature, responsible young adults. We expect our tour members to be respectful, dependable, trustworthy, motivated, and willing to work with others in a group environment. Tour members will become ambassadors while traveling, and for the good of the group, and our country, we are looking for students of excellent character and willingness to work as a team, respect the rules, and take each performances seriously. Although students need not be all-state qualifiers, etc., they need to demonstrate their musical ability so it can be determined if they are at the level of musicianship required to handle our musical repertoire without much difficulty. Although it is not required nor is it a prerequisite, we do recommend applicants have taken private lessons to increase their chances of acceptance. We have found that students who take privately usually have a better chance of acceptance.
Parents, music educators, teachers and other adults who are interested in SOA may apply to serve as chaperones for the 2014 SOA European Concert Tour at the same tour price as the students.
NOTE: This is a non-smoking tour! We will expect all tour members to adhere to this stipulation.
The first step is to complete and return the Application Form that can be found on the inside of the 2014 SOA Tour Brochure. A non-refundable application fee of $85 must accompany the Application Form. Please note that this is a non-smoking tour. This is important for roommates and to the integrity of the tour program.
The $85 Application Fee includes: (1) All evaluation and administrative costs, (2) an audition cassette or CD, (3) application materials and (4) a returnable mailing envelope. Applicants who submit their audition materials and fail to qualify for acceptance will receive a $40 refund on their application fee. All student applicants will receive our free SOA Demo CD, which showcases musical seelctions from past SOA tours.
Upon receipt of the Application Form at Headquarters, an Application Packet will be sent to you immediately. Three Recommendation Forms, an Information Form and a cassette tape or CD-R will be provided. Instructions on how the Recommendation Forms are to be completed and how the audition tape is to be prepared are also provided in the packet.
When all application materials have been returned to our office, they will be evaluated as soon as possible. This process usually takes 5-15 days after we receive all forms and the tape. Occasionally, it may take less time or more time for the application information to be processed and evaluated. Students may contact us by e-mail or phone to check their status.
Chaperones are often parents or other relatives, teachers, youth leaders, accompanists, directors, etc. Chaperones must be over 22 years old. The tour cost is the same as it is for a student, but the application fee is only $65. Chaperones will be expected to help with some duties at Elizabethtown College as well as during the tour in Europe.
NOTE: Qualified applicants are accepted on a first-come, space-available basis. Because there are only a limited number of positions available in each section, we urge you to return your Application Form today! (Some sections are close to already starting Alternate Status.) See the SOA News page for updates on room in each section of the band and choir.
When a student is accepted, he/she will be notified and sent an Acceptance Letter, Letter of Verification, information on applying for a passport and our Fund-Raising Plan.
Participants will receive at least 5 thorough emails/packets of pre-tour information throughout the year concerning what to bring, how to get to the college, the concert uniform, travel insurance, European electrical current, money matters - how much to bring, travelers checks and travel cards, foreign currency, maps, hotels and overseas addresses & phone numbers, etc.
The Sound of America accepts
tour payments by and
The Sound of America now accepts payments online! Type in the tour member's name and hit the pay now button. This tuition payment is through PayPal.
2014 Tour Info: 2014 NEWS / 2014 Itinerary / FAQ's / Directors & Staff / Eligibility / How to apply / Cost & Inclusions / Non-Profit Information / Music / Safety & Security / Featured Guest Clinicians 2014
SOA alumni testimonials and acheivements: Special Alumni / Distinguished Alumni Talk about SOA / Testimonials from Past Tour Participants, by state
Tour Highlights from past SOA summer programs: 2013 Highlights / 2012 Highlights / 2011 Highlights / 2010 Highlights / 2009 Highlights / 2008 Highlights / 2007 Highlights / 2006 Highlights / 2005 Highlights / 2004 Highlights / 2003 Highlights / 2002 Tour Highlights / 2001 Tour Highlights / 2000 Tour Highlights / '99 Tour Highlights / '98 Tour Highlights / '97 Tour Highlights /
See what the tour is like: PHOTO GALLERY / Fun website links /
PayPal Transactions: Make a Donation to SOA on-line / Make a Tour Payment online for a current student or applicant
Alumni: ALUMNI news and student news / Become a fan of our SOA Facebook page / Join your SOA year's Facebook group page by searching your year and "Sound of America" in Facebook
Last updated: 11-13-14